Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Get To Know Me!

Hello Everyone!

I've been tossing the idea of making a blog around for sometime now and today I finally decided to start one. Reading blogs such as Zoella's, Louise's, Ingrid's and Fleur's has really inspired me to put any worries about doing this I have aside and just go for it. Not only that, but since in the future I would love to pursue a career in journalism (preferably for a beauty/fashion magazine) I decided that this would be a perfect way to expand on my knowledge. 

I thought it would be appropriate for my first blog post to be a bit of a "Get To Know Me" thing, although I highly doubt many people will read this at all haha. Ok, enough rambling, here are some little things you might want to know about me:

  • My full name is Grace Audrey Proudfoot. "Grace" wasn't actually after anyone however I like to think the actress/princess Grace Kelly was a small influence in my parents name choice. My middle name, Audrey, was picked because of my nan whom I sadly never got to meet, she was called Audrey Amanda Beaumont, hence why my cousins name in Amanda. 

  • I'm 15 years old as of June 25th 2013, so it has actually only been just over a month since my birthday. It's currently the second week of the summer holidays here in England so from September, I will be in Year 11 in school.

  • I have an amazing family. I have an older brother named Jack who is 16 and 2 amazing parents. Unfortunately, I only ever met one of my grandparents, my Dad's mum, who is thankfully still with us today and one of the most important people in my life. She is also hilarious and comes out with the most random things which are completely irrelevant and also sometimes not exactly what you would expect someone over the age of 80 to be saying, but she's great. I have 33(ish) cousins including my second cousins so it's fair to say my family is rather on the large side.

  • My friends are everything to me, as cheesy and cliché as that sounds. My 3 best friends, Molly, Lydia and Molly (that gets quite confusing sometimes) are the best and I love them loads. They're kind of the reason I got into makeup and clothes more as previously, it didn't interest me and I would only bother with the odd bit of mascara and concealer but since I've become closer with them, I've definitely got a lot more into it all, so much so that it is officially impossible for me to go into boots without purchasing anything but that's not the point... I've actually known Lydia and one of the Molly's since I was about 3 and we used to be best friends however as time went on, we gradually grew apart and it has only been in the past 6 months or so that we have really got close again and now we are back being best  friends! The other Molly, I am ashamed to admit, I met purely because we had mutual friends on facebook so I decided to add her and awkwardly message her. Then one day we decided to meet up and it was hella awkward but now look at us!
    Molly, Molly and Lydia don't go my school however so in school, I have a friendship group of 9 people who I can't be bothered naming but I love them all too.
  • To put it bluntly; I'm tall, very. Considering I'm a 15 year old girl anyway, I think being 5'10.5" is quite unusual. However, compare me to my brother and I look like Zoe Sugg compared to Jim Chapman... yeah, he's 6'5"...
    Due to my height, I often find clothes very awkward to buy because what fits me round the waist, is always too short, then what fits me in the length, it always far too big round the waist. I think throughout this blog, I will include various "tall girl" (lol) posts where I will try to advice places to go to buy things that fit because it is a bloomin' nuisance. 

Here are a few pictures of me, my family and friends through the years so feel free to laugh at them and my hideous clothing choices on most:

My cousin, Amanda and I, camping in 2009. I'm rocking my brothers old Liverpool kit!

My primary school leavers disco. With my old best friends Georgia and Alisha. I love my Hello Kitty handbag.....

Sorry for this being on the side... Rafiki from The Lion King and I when I went to Orlando, Florida in 2009.

I love to dance. This was taken at one of my dance shows with my old primary school best friends, Alisha, Georgia and Shannon. We were about to go on and dance to Single Ladies by Beyonce, needless to say... I forgot the dance on stage.

My friends swimming birthday party.
From left to right: Melanie, Alisha, Me, Shannon, Georgia, Millie.

My 12th (I think) birthday party. 
From left to right: Amy, Georgia, Amanda (my cousin), Me, Kelly, Shannon, India, Megan.

Lydia, one of my very best friends and I on holiday in Haven in 2010.

In haven again. Seriously, if you ever get the chance to go in one of these inflatable balls on water, do it, it's so much fun and a lot harder than you would think! Here is one of my million attempts to stand up.

My 2 cousins and I at my aunties birthday party. Phoebe in the middle, Amanda on the left. I love my side fringe... not. 

Before my friends birthday party in Year 7. I was talking to my friend and someone took the picture, hence the face. I actually still really like this dress, it was from Miss Selfidge and I still have it now although I have to wear it with shorts since I have grown a lot since I was 12.

I come from a Catholic family so here is my cousins First Holy Communion.
From left to right: My brother, Jack, my cousin, Amanda, my cousin, Craig (rocking the leather jacket), me, my cousin. Ross.

My best friend and I revived "X Factor Signs" from Niall and Harry from One Direction whilst they were on X Factor and got very excited about it so edited them together. I remember getting mine from Harry and literally crying my eyes out because he knew I existed, although he decided to cover his beautiful face with the sign:(
The twitter names are no longer used so don't try and follow them please.  

This is what happens when Amanda and I are together; we cry of laughter. I can't even remember what had happened here since it was in 2010; it was properly something not even remotely funny. I do however, remember on this night that Amanda tried an olive for the first ever time, hated it, spat it out everywhere, chocked then we laughed for about an hour about it. Yeah, I love my family.

What a great photo bomber I was back in 2011.

I'm pretty sure every single 90s kid owned one of these bad boys.

2 years ago at my cousins wedding. Doesn't she look beautiful.
Left to right: My cousin, Claire, my amazing nan, Alice, me, my mummy, my brother Jack who seems to be rocking the Bieber 'do.

My school form in year 7 on retreat in the church. Now going into year 11, I love these people more than anything. They are so supportive of everyone whether it's helping them revise for an exam or cheering them on during a PE lesson. 
My brother and I in France 2005.

How I love velvet, collared tops.

My 13th birthday.
Left to right: Lauren, Me, Georgia, Shannon, Molly.

My beautiful Nan and I walking into my cousins wedding. 

My best friends from school. I love these girls a lot.
Starting at the back, left to right: Sarah, Olivia, Courtney, Tilly, Paige, Neve, Lauren, Justine, Me, Shannon.

Another dance show. I like my cow pyjamas.
Shannon, Alisha and I.

Christmas 2011.
My dad, brother and I.

The most important women in my life. I love my mum more than anything.

My dance show 2013. 
Left to right: Georgia, Kelly, Lucy, Alisha, Me, Lucy, Amy.
I hate this picture but I love these girls. My birthday 2013. I spent it with my best friends (we met up with more people after this) and I couldn't have asked for a better day.
Left to right: Lydia, Molly. Molly, Me.

That's all I can really think of right now, I'm not the most interesting person ever as you can tell but hopefully as I write more posts then you can start to get to know me a little better and soon I'm sure you will know the ins and outs. I hope you enjoyed some of the embarrassing pictures of me and my friends. Thank you for taking the time to read all this, blogging is something that I'm super excited about so it means a lot that you are helping me get there. Feel free to leave some comments, maybe suggestions on future posts or ways you think I could improve, and I hope to see you soon blogging world!

Grace x


  1. Hi Grace! :) I just started a blog this summer as well! Our inspirations are the same and we're also the same age haha, creepy... And blogging is definitely as exciting as you think. As cheesy as it sounds, you'll probably be seeing the world in a different way now that you write constantly about it :)

    1. I hope so! It seems so much fun so I'm very excited to start doing it:)

  2. Hi Grace, I have recently just started my blog too after thinking about starting one for a while, hope you like mine :) xx

    1. Just had a little look at it and it's great! I love all the clothes and ootd's you have on there:)

  3. Hi Grace, I just discovered your blog and I love it!
    This post is amazing and it's funny how you met your best friend Megan (the second Megan :D )

    I am a huge Directioner and I'm so jealous that you got a 'Hi' from Harry. I would die...seriously! :D Great blog! Looking forward to your future posts :) xx

    Do you have a Twitter? :)


  4. Thank you!

    I died when I got it too, I thought it was like the greatest thing on earth haha!

    My twitter is graceproudfootx
